Short on Cash? How to Deal With an Expired License Plate in Illinois

by | Jun 16, 2021 | FInancial Service

Is your vehicle’s license plate out of date, but payday is far away? Whether your lapsed license plate just slipped your mind or you’re struggling to save up the funds for a new one, here are three tips for dealing with expired plates.

Keep Your Vehicle Parked

The number one thing you should do when you have an expired license plate in Illinois is to keep your car parked in the driveway. Driving with an out-of-date plate is a sure way to get a hefty ticket, and your vehicle can even be impounded if you don’t get it renewed.

Account for Late Fees

Your expired plate will soon start to accumulate late fees, so take these into account when figuring out how much you need to pay for a new one. Fees vary and are subject to change, so make sure you know the current amount for your state.

Consider a Loan

Because fees and tickets can pile up quickly from an expired license plate in Illinois, taking out a loan to renew it on time may be less expensive. Even the high-interest rates of payday loans can cost less in the long run than racking up several tickets.

Do you need to renew your license plate fast? West Suburban Currency Exchanges, Inc. goes the extra mile for their customers with instant license plate renewal stickers at all locations. Visit their website to find one near you.

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